TJ Tool is a digital innovation project made available in an open source environment and as a Word Press plugin to be installed by any media. It offers you the ability to measure the traceability of news information using the Transparency Map. This software development was made possible thanks to the Digital News Initiative of Google, and Público's editorial and IT teams, with the help of the Group for Advanced Interactive Tools of the Computer Science Department of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. Artificial intelligence, with a natural language process and an experimental machine-learning algorithm, contributes to the intelligent reading of bodies of text, assisting journalists in their work.
Join our Transparency Movement!We need to use all the available means to make sure that journalism is practiced with total rigor and transparency. While creating the Transparency Tool, we prepared, and now share, a study about classification and use of sources in terms of transparency. Furthermore, we invite media and professionals, public institutions and advertisers to undertake to act in a responsible manner by adopting the News Transparency Commitment Manifesto.
"All areas need to be involved against the proliferation of disinformation and post-truth. The TJ Tool tool is a very interesting proposal to help citizens 'trace' the authenticity of a piece of information, its authors and its sources."
Rosalía Lloret, Director of Institutional Relations of the Online Publishers Association Europe
"The transparency of the media is essential to achieve an informed public debate. This project is a first step on this path and provides a tool to improve the traceability of the news we read."
Victoria Anderica Caffarena, Director of the Transparency Project of the Madrid City Council
"We are committed, together, to continue working for quality and reliable journalism, accompanied by responsible advertising investment. This pioneering project offers a means to achieve this goal."
Paula Ortiz, Legal and Institutional Relations Director of IAB SPAIN
"Transparency is a culture, not a regulation. This instrument is a powerful weapon to recover the credibility of journalism. Congratulations!"
Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez, professor of Journalism at the UCLM and academic director of the Observatory for Public Sector Transformation ESADE-PwC
"It has been a very interesting challenge to be able to contribute to the efforts of society in the fight against fake news, by helping them to identify the sources of information in journalistic texts."
Francisco Jurado, member of the GHIA research group of the UAM
With its Transparent Journalism Tool (TJ Tool) and funding from the DNI Innovation Fund, Público will offer an open source application that gives readers behind-the-scenes access to the newspaper’s editorial process. They can trace the newsgathering and editing work in a radically transparent way.
If you are a reader and you have any questions about Tj Tool or if you are a journalist and want to join our Movement of Transparency, contact us!