Click on each indicator to add transparency
Making public our editorial policy: up to 15% of the transparency value.
Explaining why we choose a certain way to say things: another 15%
Stating the place where we write the information: 10%.
Mentioned sources - Persons, Institutions, Other Media, and even a Non-identified Source: could get another 20% of the value.
Attaching support documents (pictures, doc, videos, audios, graphics…): another 10%.
With links to another context documents we will obtain a further 10%.
Giving the publication and updating dates as well as the dates of all documents, could get another 10% of the value of transparency.
The digital revolution has resulted in deep changes in the way we read the news. Most harmful to the media and the readers is the proliferation of content disguised as journalism, which creates misinformation because many of them are either just fake news, hoaxes, or intentional manipulations. Most of this content is spread by pseudo-media who present themselves as legitimate news organizations. The result is the citizen´s growing distrust in journalism and a direct threat to the freedom of information, with the risk that entails for any democratic society.
In this context, Público is following the recommendations of several international organizations, such as Access INFO, FNPI, RSF and PDLI. We have decided to commit ourselves the traceability of our pieces of news (to make our working process public and transparent) so the readers can be sure that they are reading trustworthy information. We have created the Transparent Journalism Tool, TJ Tool, which tracks almost automatically the eight Editorial Transparency Indicators.
In a unprecedent and unique exercise of transparency in Spain, Público has committed itself to the readers and will offer a Transparency Map of each piece of news. It will allow them to see at a glance the process behind each of news item and a percentile value of its transparency.
With TJ Tool we let you into our news kitchen and look for the T of transparency!
“Are you tired of fake news and hoaxes? TJ Tool is here to reassure the readers that nobody is pulling the wool over their eyes”
"All areas need to be involved against the proliferation of disinformation and post-truth. The TJ Tool tool is a very interesting proposal to help citizens 'trace' the authenticity of a piece of information, its authors and its sources."
Rosalía Lloret, Director of Institutional Relations of the Online Publishers Association Europe
"The transparency of the media is essential to achieve an informed public debate. This project is a first step on this path and provides a tool to improve the traceability of the news we read."
Victoria Anderica Caffarena, Director of the Transparency Project of the Madrid City Council
"We are committed, together, to continue working for quality and reliable journalism, accompanied by responsible advertising investment. This pioneering project offers a means to achieve this goal."
Paula Ortiz, Legal and Institutional Relations Director of IAB SPAIN
"Transparency is a culture, not a regulation. This instrument is a powerful weapon to recover the credibility of journalism. Congratulations!"
Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez, professor of Journalism at the UCLM and academic director of the Observatory for Public Sector Transformation ESADE-PwC
"It has been a very interesting challenge to be able to contribute to the efforts of society in the fight against fake news, by helping them to identify the sources of information in journalistic texts."
Francisco Jurado, member of the GHIA research group of the UAM
With its Transparent Journalism Tool (TJ Tool) and funding from the DNI Innovation Fund, Público will offer an open source application that gives readers behind-the-scenes access to the newspaper’s editorial process. They can trace the newsgathering and editing work in a radically transparent way.
If you are a reader and you have any questions about Tj Tool or if you are a journalist and want to join our Movement of Transparency, contact us!